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Sheep & Fleece


My specialist sheep flock is mainly Corriedale based.  This breed originated in New Zealand but stock was introduced into the UK in the late 20th century. coloured blue faced leicester ewe I also have
corriedale ewesome coloured Blue-faced Leicester ewes and various crosses of these two breeds.   Corriedales have particularly fine fleeces which together with their interestingly varied colours make the fleece and wool ideal for handpinners, felters and knitters.  I have recently acquired a pair of Coloured Romneys which should also produce an interesting crossbreed.
I usually have breeding stock for sale including rams of various ages.
The sheep are shorn in December and housed during the winter lambing period. This early shearing keeps the fleeces clean and free from the debris. Even with this precaution all my fleeces are carefully picked over before sale to remove any vegetable matter and to inspect them for quality. I can also supply fleece washed and carded for those who prefer an even cleaner product for various hand craft uses. The natural (undyed) colours range from black through greys and moorit to champagne and occasionally white.
some of my coloured fleece and craft productsfreshly shorn corriedale fleece


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